...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like

Saturday, April 26, 2014

fla minged lisa novase is SLAYING!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don o van

i ninged with will, figure it in and out why i in me love so much and is aint in just u sing words to proclaim them in sentence, they realisa in is a ma king sense that flow ar in bee com in a loo king its is seems likelisa i in me is just in englisa soon e nuff why me need e to full fill in to bee com a cyber baby perhaps bee will borrow me e and be bay in love to a fellowship as we transfourmating the internet to a psycholigician place in a s experimented aint in fail, hmm in danishe da ni she is u'n i is in me a we un to solve language will in sun poempathaisinged texture when lisaturn to wo ma nicer to woman icer woman ising is in a lisa novase fla ming to transformelting, "flat her ing" is with flather in i magi nations a thaiming i in me pro miss to fail with... but... mes synchron when in wri ting list ning to mu sick why in aint x plain texted is a qualifiejdar why i in me find so much and mea ning with the xperince that want is in a sha ring to de cryptonice the she cryptonian woman icer and ising bee com one when EN hu man ice ET with a famillianicer to a transfourmel ted in a fla ming with sympashaising to war dar is in tree as H is in a pro miss to bay a friendship with a 2 O van lisaid liquid war dar i in bay bee won dar won dar with lisa novase in, but is in love blindnessning blessing a flow ar we to navigayting without i in me the but is we in i's aint in bee co ming a lisa novase within out u'n i's me e ting mee ting, ting is a mea ning to mean ing is in flat likelisa to full a house is aint in playning but room mate a mating to ram ea ting in wool angle l in a letter to a re sting we bee com in just likelisa to me in we is u likelisa to a u'n'i verse re versed it with sunchron, i have so much to share in love but x press itl lisaid to u and realiesing in com buyning aint a value to prospect inspect or pay''nting in pain ting i's aint with sol wing you in me is hm hm why me is aint is aint just i ning me just in blowning in aint just love all those thai ming sunchroniced we i in me live trough i am in me to waking kong a dong l song to u s b in aint saynt tea t ram ea is i will evil will aint s i i is in in langauge, hmm a aint s in, is aint just e's in me langauge ivil e will e's aint sayning cyber bay bee with out e i c y b r in slang mean s naked talking is snak ed, ed is oath with a letter s is with aint to flat her ing with tear a apart men ted to lisa novase is mented with a we thai ming is sympathaisinged song to wes we hear t in common value be tea to heart with a fla ming love in u sing fla the ring....c mes phoni i's aint?! why t is loo king as a cross with hour suffer in, s aint to flyning to next line in wes liwing thai ming">the words in wri ting is a ma king so much sense in love but to x press them and value them is a delutiv try with combyening and in trans lay ted i ninged with will, figure it in and out why i in me love so much and is aint in just u sing words to proclaim them in sentence, they realisa in is a ma king sense that flow ar in bee com in a loo king its is seems likelisa i in me is just in englisa soon e nuff why me need e to full fill in to bee com a cyber baby perhaps bee will borrow me e and be bay in love to a fellowship as we transfourmating the internet to a psycholigician place in a s experimented aint in fail, hmm in danishe da ni she is u'n i is in me a we un to solve language will in sun poempathaisinged texture when lisaturn to wo ma nicer to woman icer woman ising is in a lisa novase fla ming to transfourmelting, "flat her ing" is with flather in i magi nations a thaiming i in me pro miss to fail with... but... mes synchron when in wri ting list ning to mu sick why in aint x plain texted is a qualifiejdar why i in me find so much and mea ning with the xperince that want is in a sha ring to de cryptonice the she cryptonian woman icer and ising bee com one when EN hu man ice ET with a famillianicer to a transfourmel ted in a fla ming with sympashaising to war dar is in tree as H is in a pro miss to bay a friendship with a 2 O van lisaid liquid war dar i in bay bee won dar won dar with lisa novase in, but is in love blindnessning blessing a flow ar we to navigayting without i in me the but is we in i's aint in bee co ming a lisa novase within out u'n i's me e ting mee ting, ting is a mea ning to mean ing is in flat likelisa to full a house is aint in playning but room mate a mating to ram ea ting in wool angle l in a letter to a re sting we bee com in just likelisa to me in we is u likelisa to a u'n'i verse re versed it with sunchron, i have so much to share in love but x press itl lisaid to u and realiesing in com buyning aint a value to prospect inspect or pay''nting in pain ting i's aint with sol wing you in me is hm hm why me is aint is aint just i ning me just in blowning in aint just love all those thai ming sunchroniced we i in me live trough i am in me to waking kong a dong l song to u s b in aint saynt tea t ram ea is i will evil will aint s i i is in in langauge, hmm a aint s in, is aint just e's in me langauge ivil e will e's aint sayning cyber bay bee with out e i c y b r in slang mean s naked talking is snak ed, ed is oath with a letter s is with aint to flat her ing with tear a apart men ted to lisa novase is mented with a we thai ming is sympathaisinged song to wes we hear t in common value be tea to heart with a fla ming love in u sing fla the ring....c mes phoni i's aint?! why t is loo king as a cross with hour suffer in, s aint to flyning to next line in wes liwing thai ming

love is on e to bee com one with a cyber baby bee com bay to bee a friendship in sol wing with aint sol is sun with chroning in a vase to love dip hmm much cryning is on in a pleasure ring much i in me won why synchroniced we in transfourmel ting

ted in fla ming to flat a part mented te f l at her ing hm f led suffar djay v ling lu sing lu sting hit me in resong re a son q rea son day sun lay ed in hed naymed ning sandhedning i det vi sa i vi sa id said we sing ning i spin ling er i ar e westen west en in north q rea cure in is c u r e e ar e c u re sting in bee com in com bee nation with in i magi nation with flather flat her ing and in and u sing fla the ring in sha cryptianer is a name labeled on a, group is hum an it y? hu man it i s icing is ing i sing we in me with hm we is hm what a won lisaid now a is et? en is 1 i is l? spoon l and fork is F? fourking is spelled we when tree is with out h an too bee com we to fellow key and EN end and ET miss u sing and alianer bee com hu man with a womanicer hot on wheel lockin lock well i nuff lisaid lIsa novase is fla ming and u sing wo man icer O van Oed and Ød e lagt i seng vor WØ wo man i sing to hu man fla i r flair hmm in mm is such a mass tal king num bar talk ing and we is in one apart mente tricked a tear when e is faded in die sing what a gra ve in crossed fingers hand sha king and sha is wo man iced crypt ? cry p ti on i ninged with p spoon l in i van i war dar in h 2 o and so on to li quid quit i sing izar in mel ting melted hear ting heart ing is in flat to beecom one on e when EN hu ma nice ET withings solwing hu man is woma nice sympathaizar ? wom an i sing lisa novase in fla ming flather is mel ting transfourmel could melt ing in love hear ti as in tea we in me to bee com heart val u e lisa noval ue uge week end is, ugh we is me in this u'n ar bee EN to ET bee com hum an i ti i ti as tea to hear t with silenzar in i as spelled letter to a wri ting bees sol wing sun day with lisa turn lisa sa turn lisa tan i ninged lisa noval now al is a lo ve lov e is on pro miss to be com one in transfourmelted mel ting spelled ted i is on e a quest finding dong e to cybr bay bee bay dockling don al duck i ning to war dar is in wondar in a reflekdar me is we in ho ho ho p e hop e is ruted r u ted is in a as king why vej is way weighting vejning ed is oath to res ting in mee ting meet ing is aint in mes we to just a falt with out tear tea R to hear so t is cross sympathaisinged beleaf heart i locked lok lok nok sock ET suck in woman iced tea in transfourmel ting we in a gree ding dong bye bell is mea ning mean ing in hello to alter al dar al ov e a love is me lov ea l o ve is pain ting bay bee hmm we bee com goo ding dong pro miss is dressing dressage d res age nowa w mirrors ro is to boath i silenzar in u sing dress age to bay a bee dress code dna with us ing we in 2 ve us ing a sha ring us a love me sympathaising to u singed sa tan song to me hear ting heart ing hard love is deluting lu sting luv ing lu v sting and sha ring is re flek ting we flex i b l e bye bell in resinged song we d ding donged bi be l to beleaf ling is you in aint knowleg howart wizar in witch we bee com me'n'u men u damn it, it... te kno how.art is in cluding dong c l u dinged singed we in a e icing in fla ming lisa novase, se is c in da nish e, r u e da nishe danish transfourm el ting el spoons with elske lo ve pain ting with beleaflingeri in we t, crossning ea c h other ram ea wool ed is as oath how to bay bee com i magi c nation i magi nations to E is in u? and cybr bee com ed in witch e is bo ring born ed com byening we in one on E, O ninged van and drywings to flat closed discource with buybell in beleaf clo thing clo ning is illuminatural bo r ning born ing to we in us ing bo ring sambor'n ing is in flat to beleaflingeri wes lo ve in's aint' ing en no thing but u with smi linged in we smil ed smi led ning til vi sang vis angle shower s ho ho aint i ning s ho we r in front font to bong saint in beleaf fla the ring to com buy EN and ET in one 11 en is et and little on E bay bee in morsom momsomville would we in lingeri ling er i in smi ling insmi goluminati linged with u'n i ni ne is in no val kyrie ve nine is with mea ning mean ing a a friend in with a silenzar d ed ramea hit i... i r, er r r ireland hmm i r a ir c m and mirc tal kinged tal is number and am a co founder bla sing to bla in hmm hmm why rajming is in to just pro ve a pointing about v ed with in wes pain ting to bay a bee to cybr c E c y b r cyber baby bee com prays in be, in mes langauge beleafling er i be, to el spoon be just plaintext B likelisa pair is we with i s sun glass c we is aint sunchronning yet. its is so much love in i magi nation to we in">flat her ing fla the ring with tear a part men ted in fla ming to flat a part mented te f l at her ing hm f led suffar djay v ling lu sing lu sting hit me in resong re a son q rea son day sun lay ed in hed naymed ning sandhedning i det vi sa i vi sa id said we sing ning i spin ling er i ar e westen west en in north q rea cure in is c u r e e ar e c u re sting in bee com in com bee nation with in i magi nation with flather flat her ing and in and u sing fla the ring in sha ring cryptianer and is a name labeled on a, group is hum an it y? hu man it i s icing is ing i sing we in me with hm we is hm what a won lisaid now a is et? en is 1 i is l? spoon l and fork is F? fourking is spelled we when tree is with out h an too bee com we to fellow key and EN end and ET miss u sing and alianer bee com hu man with a womanicer hot on wheel lockin lock well i nuff lisaid lIsa novase is fla ming and u sing wo man icer O van Oed and Ød e lagt i seng vor WØ wo man i sing to hu man fla i r flair hmm in mm is such a mass tal king num bar talk ing and we is in one apart mente tricked a tear when e is faded in die sing what a gra ve in crossed fingers hand sha king and sha is wo man iced crypt ? cry p ti on i ninged with p spoon l in i van i war dar in h 2 o and so on to li quid quit i sing izar in mel ting melted hear ting heart ing is in flat to beecom one on e when EN hu ma nice ET withings solwing hu man is woma nice sympathaizar ? wom an i sing lisa novase in fla ming flather is mel ting transfourmel could melt ing in love hear ti as in tea we in me to bee com heart val u e lisa noval ue uge week end is, ugh we is me in this u'n ar bee EN to ET bee com hum an i ti i ti as tea to hear t with silenzar in i as spelled letter to a wri ting bees sol wing sun day with lisa turn lisa sa turn lisa tan i ninged lisa noval now al is a lo ve lov e is on pro miss to be com one in transfourmelted mel ting spelled ted i is on e a quest finding dong e to cybr bay bee bay dockling don al duck i ning to war dar is in wondar in a reflekdar me is we in ho ho ho p e hop e is ruted r u ted is in a as king why vej is way weighting vejning ed is oath to res ting in mee ting meet ing is aint in mes we to just a falt with out tear tea R to hear so t is cross sympathaisinged beleaf heart i locked lok lok nok sock ET suck in woman iced tea in transfourmel ting we in a gree ding dong bye bell is mea ning mean ing in hello to alter al dar al ov e a love is me lov ea l o ve is pain ting bay bee hmm we bee com goo ding dong pro miss is dressing
dressage d res age nowa w mirrors ro is to boath i silenzar in u sing dress age to bay a bee dress code dna with us ing we in 2 ve us ing a sha ring us a love me sympathaising to u singed sa tan song to me hear ting heart ing hard love is deluting lu sting luv ing lu v sting and sha ring is re flek ting we flex i b l e bye bell in resinged song we d ding donged bi be l to beleaf ling is you in aint knowleg howart wizar in witch we bee com me'n'u men u damn it, it... te kno how.art is in cluding dong c l u dinged singed we in a e icing in fla ming lisa novase, se is c in da nish e, r u e da nishe danish transfourm el ting el spoons with elske lo ve pain ting with beleaflingeri in we t, crossning ea c h other ram ea wool ed is as oath how to bay bee com i magi c nation i magi nations to E is in u? and cybr bee com ed in witch e is bo ring born ed com byening we in one on E, O ninged van and drywings to flat closed discource with buybell in beleaf clo thing clo ning is illuminatural bo r ning born ing to we in us ing bo ring sambor'n ing is in flat to beleaflingeri wes lo ve in's aint' ing en no thing but u with smi linged in we smil ed smi led ning til vi sang vis angle shower s ho ho aint i ning s ho we r in front font to bong saint in beleaf fla the ring to com buy EN and ET in one 11 en is et and little on E bay bee in morsom momsomville is ra el ve would we in lingeri ling er i in smi ling insmi goluminati linged with u'n i ni ne is in no val kyrie ve nine is with mea ning mean ing a a friend in with a silenzar d ed ramea hit i... i r, er r r ireland hmm i r a ir c m and mirc tal kinged tal is number and am a co founder bla sing to bla in hmm hmm why rajming is in to just pro ve a pointing about v ed with in wes pain ting to bay a bee to cybr c E c y b r cyber baby bee com prays in be, in mes langauge beleafling er i be, to el spoon be just plaintext B likelisa pair is we with i s sun glass c we is aint sunchronning yet. its is so much love in i magi nation to we in

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..lieking! #like